Heavy police presence to remain at Luzira school where S.4 Candidate killed security guard.


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Following an incident in which a student in the senior four threw a security guard at the school to his death, police have increased security at Luzira Secondary School.


Moments after the altercation with the student known as Byambala, who is currently being held in police custody at Jinja Road police station, Geoffrey Mugerwa, 22, passed away.


After the morning tests, when all applicants were apparently denied access to the school's gate, Byambala reportedly attacked the guard.


The students had just finished a paper at noon, and Mugerwa had informed them that they would only be allowed to leave as usual for lunch at 1:10 pm.


The youngster attacked the school security guy in a fit of rage, beating him repeatedly until he fell unconscious.


Byambala was apprehended by police on Wednesday, according to Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police spokesperson. He is accused of murder. He claims that because he is being investigated and is under investigation, Byambala is likely to miss his remaining Uganda Certificate of Examination (UCE) papers.


In order to prevent any further crimes, he continues, security personnel have since set up camp at the school.

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