Wannabe Slay queen accuses Fresh Daddy of sexual assault.


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Following recent allegations that he defiled an aspiring musician and wannabe slay queen only known as Ndagire Sharifah, Fresh Daddy, the father of the young rapper Fresh Kid, is in hot water.


Sharifah claims that Fresh Daddy tricked her into serving him food that wasn't ready under the pretense of being her manager and bringing her into his "Mazike Entertainment" group in an exclusive interview with a YouTuber.


They traveled around the city until they arrived at a hotel in Busega, where Fresh Daddy paid for a room and stuffed Sharifah's Jericho with his cassava.

Despite not following through on his promise to at least record her a music project and turn her into a star, Fresh Daddy has now been in touch with Sharifah once more in an effort to have sex with her.


In order to obtain justice, Sharifah now requests that all organizations representing women and NGOs intervene.

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