Azawi's mother seems unconcerned with her tomboyish behavior.


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Ms. Nakamate, Azawi's mother, stated in an interview that she is not worried by her daughter's sartorial choices or personality.

Ms. Nakamate emphasized once more that her daughter is free to dress whichever she pleases as long as she is leading the life she wants and attaining her objectives.



She said the 26 year old has always been a tomboy because she doesn't like wearing skimpy clothes.



If you watch her closely enough, it's obvious that she spends most of her time with guys because of the way she walks, acts, and looks in general.


Her management has gradually had to add clothes to her wardrobe and apply some makeup to her to slightly reposition her for her feminine audience.


She has received harsh criticism for being a tomboy and has been given various male names, but she doesn't seem to mind.


Her mother is pleased with what Azawi has accomplished since being signed by Swangz Avenue and recently conducted a successful African music concert.

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