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Saturday, June 29, 2024

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Angella Katatumba Reveals Shocking Details about Ex-Boyfriend Daddy Andre’s Grudge

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Angella Katatumba has recently shared some surprising revelations regarding her present friendship with her former boyfriend and music producer, Daddy Andre.

The two singers had a brief, low-key relationship that lasted for just three months, during which Daddy Andre splurged over UGX20 million on lavish gifts and expensive dates for Angella.

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However, the relationship came to an end when Angella asked Daddy Andre to get tested for HIV before they could have sex, which he declined. This led to a fallout between the two, and Daddy Andre has held a grudge against Angella ever since.

Despite three years having passed, he has not been able to let go of his resentment towards her, to the extent that he has blocked her on all social media platforms and even on WhatsApp.

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Angella has expressed her surprise at Daddy Andre’s behavior, noting that he continues to deny having dated her in interviews, despite their brief but intense relationship. She finds this amusing, given that they both know the truth.

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