The Rolex Festival makes a grand return


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The celebration, according to Jonathan Nalebo, MD of Rolex Initiative Uganda, aims to expand indigenous culinary options in upscale hotels and eateries.


The vibrant Rolex festival, a celebration of the street treat "Rolex," which has evolved into a dish and a symbol of Ugandan identity, has been put on by Rolex Initiative Uganda for the past six years.


At a press conference, the event's organizers introduced 'Feast On Loco,' a new culinary festival that will take place at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala during the second week of November 2022 and is intended to promote local food and beverage tourism.

According to Nalebo, "the majority of high-end eating establishments sell us an exotic culture whereas we want our cultural identity to be conveyed to the foreign guests through meals and beverages."

The study of food for touristic purposes is known as culinary tourism, food tourism, or gastronomy tourism.


Tourists frequently eat out, and they "think that cuisine ranks alongside climate, lodging, and landscape" in terms of importance.


In Uganda, there are over 52 different ethnic groups, each of which has a distinctive dish or beverage to distinguish it—for example, Malakwanga, Eshabwe, emboli, Luwombo, etc.


On Sunday, August 21st, the Rolex Festival will also take place at Cricket Oval in Lugogo from 9 am to 8 pm. SHS 10k and Shs 30k for VIP are the prices.

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